Shaunak Sen

Shaunak Sen is a filmmaker, video artist and film scholar based in Delhi (India). A mass communication graduate of A.J.K MCRC Jamia Milia, New Delhi, he is currently enrolled as a PhD student at the School of Arts and Aesthetics at the Jawaharlal Nehru University in Delhi.


His first feature-length documentary film ‘Cities of Sleep’ (2016) was shown at various major international film festivals including the Dok Leipzig, MAMI – Mumbai International Film Festival, Taiwan International Film Festival, the Seattle South Asian Film Festival, New York Indian Film Festival etc. In 2014, Shaunak co-curated the live-event installation ‘Downtime’, held simultaneously at the Goethe Institute, (Delhi) and Neukölln (Berlin). In 2015, he co-curated the live performance/video installation event ‘Notes on Mourning’ (Khoj Studios), and attended the Copycat Academy Residency, curated by Hannah Hurtzig at the Luminatos Film Festival (Toronto). In 2016, he was awarded the Pro Helvetia residency (Switzerland), and curated the group exhibition ‘A Brief History of Horizontality’ (Bern, Switzerland). Shaunak was the recipient of the Digital and Social Media Fellowship from Sarai in 2014, as well as the Films Division of India Documentary Film Fellowship in 2013. His academic writing has been published in various journals including Bioscope and Widescreen.


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