Tuyền Nguyễn

b. 1992, HCMC


Born in Thai Nguyen and a graduate from the Faculty of Painting at the Ho Chi Minh City University of Fine Arts in 2018, Tuyền Nguyễn’s art-making is first and foremost a personal liberation, a way to resolve the conflicts between the artist’s inner emotions and the events occurring around him. Tuyền’s art is influenced by Expression and Cubism, where distorted human figures often appear in trauma and pain, operating as doorways through which more general social maladies are expressed. Besides lacquer painting, Tuyền has also experimented with oil, charcoal, markers, watercolor and found objects. Since 2016, he has become more active in the local art scene of Saigon, most recently selected as one of the participating artists for the first season of the city’s ‘A. Farm’ residency program. Select exhibitions include: ‘Solo Sans Solo’, A. Farm, HCMC (2019); ‘All animals are equal’, A. Farm, HCMC (2018); ‘Young Art Biennale’, Ho Chi Minh City Fine Arts Museum, HCMC (2017).

  • Materialize 2020/2021

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